Monday, July 27, 2015

How to NOT get ahead in advertising - what many conservation NGOs are doing wrong

Conservation marketing is increasingly being seen as an important way to gain public (and decision-maker) attention and concern about biodiversity loss and species extinction.

At the upcoming International Congress for Conservation Biology (Montpellier, France, 2-6 August 2015) there will be two symposia and a workshop to discuss how to better market conservation and to improve engagement with the general public. The events are being organised by the Society For Conservation Biology's new working group on Conservation marketing.

Here is our presentation for meeting (WARNING - there are many gratuitous geeky references):

How to NOT get ahead in advertising - what many conservation NGOs are doing wrong

Monday, June 15, 2015

Tips for conferences and better science communication

I've recently written a series of blogs on Southern Fried Science on communicating science, giving tips on how to (or not) give a better academic presentation, how to write a conference abstract - or create a poster for a presentation - and advice on co-authoring scientific papers.

I also have a couple of articles on conference ettiquette and as the summer conference season is nearly upon us, I thought I would post all of these in one place. I hope these are useful !

Distracted by abstracts: Tips for writing a good abstract for a scientific conference

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Killer whale killers – a review of US court cases on captive orcas

I had several requests for copies of my presentation on the various US court cases related to captive orcas, that I recently gave at the European Cetacean Society conference in Malta. So for everyone who wanted it, here is a copy of the presentation.

If you refer to this presentation, please use the citation: Parsons, E.C.M. 2015. Killer whale killers – a review of US court cases on captive orcas. Presented at 29thAnnual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 23-25 March 2015, Malta.

Supplementary material can be found in this peer-reviewed paper.

An article on the science behind the movie Blackfish can be found on the leading marine science blog Southern Fried Science.