Monday, September 3, 2012

Who am I?

This is just a quick post because several of my friends spoke to me over the past month about the Myers-Briggs test. I remember doing one when I was a kid and all I remember was that it came out as just in the introverted category. Well, I had a go and this is what I got

Extravert(27%) iNtuitive(62%) Feeling(25%) Judging(1%)

Intuitive didn't surprise me - I'm a big picture / strategic kind of thinker. The Extroverted part did, as a lot of the time I'm on my own and in my own head much of the time, and like my quiet time. But I am also huge attention-ho these days, so maybe that's it. Despite being a scientist, anyone who knows me would atest to teh fact that I'm not always the most logical. Spock I ain't.  what did intrigue me was that according to one website I am a close personality match for Anne (of Green Gables) Shirley, and if you've read my blog entries from the beginning, you probably know my huge teenage crush, and how that would tickle me.

That's it for now. I'm currently recovering from a manic week-long trip to Scotland, but have a few posts warming on the hob ...

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