I am just about to head off the the
International Marine Conservation Congress in Glasgow. While I'm there, amongst other things I'll be presenting on the "
Global status of whalewatching" discussing is negative impacts, sustainability, management and potential benefits.
For those that can't attend the meeting, here is a version of the presentation:
Here's the reference list (in order of appearance in actual presentation)
E. Hoyt, The worldwide value
and extent of whale watching,Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Society, Bath, 1995.
E. Hoyt, Whale Watching 2001:
Worldwide Tourism Numbers, Expenditures and Expanding Socioeconomic Benefits,
International Fund for Animal Welfare, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, 2001.
S. O. O’Connor, R. Campbell, H. Cortez,
and T. Knowles, Whale Watching Worldwide: Tourism Numbers, Expenditures and
Expanding Economic Benefits. A Special Report from the International Fund for
Animal Welfare, IFAW and Economists at Large,
Yarmouth, Mass, USA, 2009.
A. M. Cisneros-Montemayor, U. R. Sumaila, K.
Kaschner, and D. Pauly, “The global potential for whale watching,” Marine Policy, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1273–1278, 2010.
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Economist, 9th September, p. 100, 2000.
I.L. Beasley, L. Bejder, and H. Marsh,
“Dolphin-watching tourism in the Mekong River, Cambodia: A case study of
economic interests influencing conservation. Paper presented to the Scientific
Committee of the International whaling Commission SC62/WW4, 9pp, 2010.
Parsons, “The negative impacts of whale-watching,” Journal of Marine Biology,
2012, 807294, 9pp, 2012.
V. M. Janik and P. M. Thompson, “Changes in
surfacing patterns of bottlenose dolphins in response to boat
traffic,” Marine Mammal Science, vol. 12, pp. 597–602, 1996.
G. D. Hastie, B. Wilson, L. H. Tufft, and P. M. Thompson, “Bottlenose dolphins increase breathing synchrony
in response to boat traffic,” Marine Mammal Science, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.
74–84, 2003.
D. Lusseau, “Male and female bottlenose
dolphins Tursiops spp. have
different strategies to avoid interactions with tour boats in Doubtful Sound,
New Zealand,” Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 257, pp. 267–274,
D. Lusseau, “The short-term behavioral reactions
of bottlenose dolphins to interactions with boats in Doubtful Sound, New
Zealand,” Marine Mammal Science, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 802–818, 2006.
L. Seuront and N. Cribb, “Fractal analysis
reveals pernicious stress levels related to boat presence and type in the
IndoPacific bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops
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E. Stensland and P. Berggren, “Behavioural
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tourism,” Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 332, pp. 225–234,
N. Matsuda, M. Shirakihara, and K. Shirakihara,
“Effects of dolphin-watching boats on the behavior of Indo-Pacific bottlenose
dolphins off Amakusa-Shimoshima Island, Japan,” Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi,
vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 8–14, 2011 (Japanese).
S. L. Ng and S. Leung, “Behavioral response of
Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa
chinensis) to vessel traffic,” Marine Environmental Research, vol. 56,
no. 5, pp. 555–567, 2003.
L. do Valle and F. C. Cunha Melo, “Behavioral
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guianensis (Gervais, 1953) caused by sea traffic,” Biotemas, vol. 19,
no. 1, pp. 75–80, 2006.
R. Williams, D. E. Bain, J. C. Smith, and D.
Lusseau, “Effects of vessel on behaviour patterns of individual southern
resident killer whales Orcinus orca,” Endangered
Species Research, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 199–209, 2009.
P. J. Corkeron, “Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Hervey Bay,
Queensland: behaviour and responses to whale-watching vessels,” Canadian
Journal of Zoology, vol. 73, no. 7, pp. 1290–1299, 1995.
G. S. Stone, S. K. Katona, A. Mainwaring, J. M.
Allen, and H. D. Corbett, “Respiration and surfacing rates of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) observed from a
lighthouse tower,” Reports of the International Whaling Commission, vol.
42, pp. 739–745, 1992.
J. Gordon, R. Leaper, F. G. Hartley, and O.
Chappell, Effects of Whale-watching Vessels on the Surface and Underwater
Acoustic Behaviour of Sperm Whales off Kaikoura, New Zealand, Science and
Research Services Series No. 52, New Zealand Department of Conservation,
Wellington, New Zealand, 1992.
K. C. Buckstaff, “Effects of watercraft noise on
the acoustic behavior of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in Sarasota bay, Florida,” Marine Mammal
Science, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 709–725, 2004.
C. Scarpaci, S. W. Bigger, P. J. Corkeron, and D.
Nugegoda, “Bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops
truncatus, increase whistling in the presence of “swim-with-dolphin” tour
operations,” Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, vol. 2, pp.
183–185, 2000.
A. D. Foote, R. W. Osborne, and A. R. Hoelzel,
“Whale-call response to masking boat noise,” Nature, vol. 428, no. 6986,
article 910, 2004.
R. S. Sousa-Lima and C. W. Clark, “Modeling the
effect of boat traffic on the fluctuation of humpback whale singing activity in
the Abrolhos National Marine Park, Brazil,” Canadian Acoustics, vol. 36,
no. 1, pp. 174–181, 2008.
C. Richter, S. Dawson, and E. Slooten, “Impacts
of commercial whale watching on male sperm whales at Kaikoura, New
Zealand,” Marine Mammal Science, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 46–63, 2006.
L. Bejder, A. Samuels, H. Whitehead, and N.
Gales, “Interpreting short-term behavioural responses to disturbance within a
longitudinal perspective,” Animal Behaviour, vol. 72, no. 5, pp.
1149–1158, 2006.
M. C.
Mattson, J. A. Thomas, and D. St. Aubin, “The effect of boat activity on the
behaviour of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus) in waters surrounding Hilton Head Island, South Carolina,”Aquatic
Mammals, vol. 31, pp. 133–140, 2005.
N. Matsuda, M. Shirakihara, and K. Shirakihara,
“Effects of dolphin-watching boats on the behavior of Indo-Pacific bottlenose
dolphins off Amakusa-Shimoshima Island, Japan,” Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi,
vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 8–14, 2011 (Japanese).
G. Timmel, S. Courbis, H. Sargeant-Green, and H.
Markowitz, “Effects of human traffic on the movement patterns of Hawaiian
spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris)
in Kealakekua bay, Hawaii,”Aquatic Mammals, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 402–411,
R. Williams, A. W. Trites, and D. E. Bain,
“Behavioural responses of killer whales (Orcinus
orca) to whale-watching boats: opportunistic observations and experimental
approaches,” Journal of Zoology, vol. 256, no. 2, pp. 255–270, 2002.
M. Scheidat, C. Castro, J. González, and R.
Williams, “Behavioural responses of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to whalewatching boats near Isla de la
Plata, Machalilla National Park, Ecuador,” Journal of Cetacean Research
& Management, vol. 6, pp. 63–68, 2004.
G. De Fatima Filla and E. L. De Araujo
Monteiro-Filho, “Monitoring tourism schooners observing estuarine dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in the Estuarine
Complex of Cananéia, south-east Brazil,” Aquatic Conservation, vol. 19,
no. 7, pp. 772–778, 2009.
R. Williams and E. Ashe, “Killer whale evasive
tactics vary with boat number,” Journal of Zoology, vol. 272, no. 4, pp.
390–397, 2007.
K. A. Stamation, D. B. Croft, P. D. Shaughnessy,
K. A. Waples, and S. V. Briggs, “Behavioral responses of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) to
whale-watching vessels on the southeastern coast of Australia,” Marine
Mammal Science, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 98–122, 2010.
F. Christiansen, D. Lusseau, E. Stensland, and P.
Berggren, “Effects of tourist boats on the behaviour of Indo-Pacific bottlenose
dolphins off the south coast of Zanzibar,” Endangered Species Research, vol. 11, no.
1, pp. 91–99, 2010.
M. C. Allen and A. J. Read, “Habitat selection of foraging
bottlenose dolphins in relation to boat density near Clearwater, Florida,” Marine Mammal Science, vol. 16, no. 4, pp.
815–824, 2000.
D. Lusseau, “Effects of tour boats on the behavior of bottlenose
dolphins: using Markov chains to model anthropogenic impacts,” Conservation Biology, vol. 17, no. 6, pp.
1785–1793, 2003.
R. Constantine, D. H. Brunton, and T. Dennis, “Dolphin-watching
tour boats change bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) behaviour,” Biological
Conservation, vol. 117, no. 3, pp. 299–307, 2004.
A. Arcangeli and R. Crosti, “The short-term impact of
dolphin-watching on the behaviour of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in western Australia,” Journal of Marine
Animals and Their Ecology, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 3–9, 2009.
K. A. Stockin, D. Lusseau, V. Binedell, N.
Wiseman, and M. B. Orams, “Tourism affects the behavioural budget of the common
dolphin Delphinus sp. in the Hauraki
Gulf, New Zealand,” Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 355,
pp. 287–295, 2008.
M. L. Carrera, E. G. P. Favaro, and A. Souto, “The response of
marine tucuxis (Sotalia fluviatilis) towards tourist
boats involves avoidance behaviour and a reduction in foraging,” Animal Welfare, vol. 17, no. 2, pp.
117–123, 2008.
M. A. Coscarella, S. L. Dans, E. A. Crespo, and S. N. Pedraza, “Potential
impact of unregulated dolphin watching activities in Patagonia,” Journal of Cetacean
Research & Management, vol. 5, pp. 77–84, 2003.
S. L. Dans, E. A. Crespo, S. N. Pedraza, M.
Degrati, and G. V. Garaffo, “Dusky dolphin and tourist interaction: effect on
diurnal feeding behavior,” Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 369,
pp. 287–296, 2008
F. Visser, K. L. Hartman, E. J. J. Rood et al., “Risso's dolphins alter daily
resting pattern in response to whale watching at the Azores,” Marine Mammal Science, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 366–381, 2011.
R. Williams, D. Lusseau, and P. S. Hammond, “Estimating relative
energetic costs of human disturbance to killer whales (Orcinus orca),” Biological Conservation, vol. 133, no. 3,
pp. 301–311, 2006.
D. Lusseau, D. E. Bain, R. Williams, and J. C. Smith, “Vessel
traffic disrupts the foraging behavior of southern resident killer whales Orcinus orca,” Endangered Species
Research, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 211–221, 2009.
K. A. Stamation, D. B. Croft, P. D. Shaughnessy, and K. A. Waples,
“Observations of humpback whales (Megaptera
novaeangliae) feeding during their southward migration along the coast of
southeastern New South Wales, Australia: identification of a possible
supplemental feeding ground,” Aquatic Mammals, vol. 33, no. 2, pp.
165–174, 2007.
D.W. Laist,
A.R. Knowlton, J.G. Mead, A.S. Collet, and M. Podesta, “Collisions between
ships and whales,” Marine Mammal
Science vol. 17, pp. 35-75R, 2001.
Leaper, “Summary
of data on ship strikes of large cetaceans from progress reports (1996-2000),” Paper
presented to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission,
SC53/BC8, 2001.
Asmutis-Silvia, “An increased risk to whales due to high-speed whale-watching
vessels,” Paper presented to the Scientific Committee of the International
Whaling Commission SC51/WW11,1999.
IWC, Report of
the Sub-Committee on Whalewatching, International Whaling Commission,
Cambridge, UK, 11pp, 2002.
E.C.M. Parsons,
and T. Gaillard, “Characteristics of high-speed whalewatching vessels in
Scotland,” Paper presented to the Scientific Committee of the International
Whaling Commission, SC55/WW2, 2003.
B. Garrod, and D.A. Fennell, “An analysis of whalewatching Codes
of Conduct,” Annals of Tourism
Research, vol. 31, pp. 334-352, 2004.
D. Lusseau, “The state of the scenic cruise industry in Doubtful
Sound in relation to a key natural resource: bottlenose dolphins,” in M. Hall & S. Boyd (eds.), Nature-based Tourism in Peripheral Areas:
Development or Disaster? Channel View
Publications, Clevedon, UK, 2004.
C. Scarpaci, D.
Nugegoda, and P.J. Corkeron, Compliance with regulations by
“swim-with-dolphins” operations in Port Philip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Environmental Management, vol. 31,
pp. 342-347, 2003.
C. Scarpaci, D.
Nugegoda, and P.J. Corkeron, “No detectable improvement in compliance to
regulations by “swim-with-dolphin” operators in Port Philip Bay, Victoria,
Australia,” Tourism in Marine. Environments,
vol. 1, pp. 41-48, 2004.
E. Hoyt, “Sustainable ecotourism on Atlantic Islands, with special
reference to whale watching, marine protected areas and sanctuaries for
cetaceans,” Proceedings of the Royal
Irish Academy, vol. 105B, issue 3, pp. 141-154, 2005.
C. Corbelli, “An evaluation of the impact of commercial whale watching on Humpback
whales, Megaptera novaengliae,
in Newfoundland and Labrador, and of
the effectiveness of a voluntary code of conduct as a management strategy,”
PhD Thesis, Department of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2006.
A. Sitar, L.J. May-Collado, and E.C.M. Parsons, “High
levels of non-compliance with whale-watching regulations in Bocas del Toro,
Panama and effects of non-compliance on bottlenose dolphin behaviour,” Paper presented to the Scientific
Committee of the International Whaling Commission, SC65b/WW9, 2014.
E.C.M. Parsons, C.M.
Fortuna, F. Ritter, N.A. Rose, M.P. Simmonds, M. Weinrich, R. Williams, and S. Panigada, “Glossary of
whalewatching terms,” Journal of
Cetacean Research and Management, vol. 8 , Supplement, pp. 249-251, 2006.
M. Lück, “Education on marine mammal tours as agent for
conservation—but do tourists want to be educated?” Ocean and Coastal
Management, vol. 46, no. 9-10, pp. 943–956, 2003.
J. Foxlee, “Whale watching in Hervey Bay,” Parks and Leisure
Australia, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 17–18, 2001.
G. Mayes, P. Dyer, and H. Richins, “Dolphin-human interaction:
pro-environmental attitudes, beliefs, and intended behaviours and actions of
participants in interpretation programs: a pilot study,” Annals of Leisure
Research, vol. 7, pp. 34–53, 2004.
M. S. Andersen and M. L. Miller, “Onboard marine environmental
education: whale watching in the San Juan islands, Washington,” Tourism in Marine
Environments, vol. 2, pp. 111–118, 2006.
G. Mayes and H. Richins, “Dolphin watch tourism: two differing
examples of sustainable practices and proenvironmental outcomes,” Tourism in Marine
Environments, vol. 5, no. 2-3, pp. 201–214, 2008.
• H. Zeppei and S. Muloin, “Conservation and education benefits of
interpretation on marine wildlife tours,” Tourism in Marine Environments, vol. 5, no. 2-3,
pp. 215–227, 2008a.
H. Zeppel and S. Muloin, “Conservation benefits of interpretation
on marine wildlife tours,” Human Dimensions of Wildlife, vol. 13, no. 4, pp.
280–294, 2008b.
R. Ballantyne, J. Packer, and K. Hughes, “Tourists' support for
conservation messages and sustainable management practices in wildlife tourism
experiences,” Tourism Management, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 658–664, 2009.
J. B. Ambler, Whales and the people who watch them:
baleen whales in Virginia’s near-shore waters and the educational and
conservation potential of whale watching [Doctoral thesis], George Mason
University, VirginiaVa, USA, 2011.\
Photo credits: EIA, SeaLifeSurveys, HWDT, Alan Whaley, Naomi Rose,
Chris Parsons, Carol Scarpaci