Friday, June 1, 2012

End of my tether

I don't know who the bright spark was who thought a solitaire game was a great idea to put on the touch screens mounted in the back of airline seats, but I would gladly smack them now. For the past hour it's been thump-thump-thump on the back of my seat, and despite complaining multiple times I've had no joy – in fact the culprit’s only response was to tell me to stop moving. Seriously, if she carries on I'm going to go un-British and cause "a scene". Although I am truly British, so further sarcastic comments and steely stared are more likely, although sarcasm is lost on Mrs trailer-trash behind me.  Now I know what caused Oceanic Flight 815 to break up in the mid-Pacific on "Lost", it was someone at the end of their tether on a 14 hr Australia to US flight, who shoved a self-centered, sub-averaged IQed, faked-tanned, bad-dye jobbed woman's obese ass out of the exit door mid-flight.

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